

Serving families through all stages of life, here as a helping hand!

Your Local Family, Perinatal & Pediatric Chiropractor!



Our Focus

We are a Perinatal & Pediatric Specialty office! We love serving this population here in Arkansas and are striving to allow families to grow in the healthiest ways here in Little Rock!

At Embodiment Chiropractic we focus on the Nervous System and how the body communicates to itself, this allows us to also see people for Anxiety, Sensory processing disorders, high stress, sports performance and more!

  • Nervous System Based Chiropractor

    I’m originally from Michigan but have called Little Rock home for the past 6 years. My chiropractic journey began when I was diagnosed with a severe case of eczema at 3 months old. My mom, Julie, (who you’ll see around the office) took me to a chiropractor to seek advice on what to do. Unknowingly, the start of my career. Learning and witnessing the miracles of chiropractic care throughout childhood and early adulthood, I knew that this is what I wanted in life as my profession. After undergrad, I was accepted into the chiropractic program at Life University, which I completed in early 2022 with a doctorate degree in chiropractic care. I’m excited to be back in Little Rock to start my practice and continue to grow the Embodiment Chiro community!


Chiropractic Care